What is Better Ears?
BetterEars, originally known as Karajan Eartrainer, was the first ear-training app on the AppStore. Over time, new features have been added. With the ability to customize exercises, BetterEars is suitable for all levels of ear training. Better Ears will help you improve your musical skills and improve your hearing. It is perfect for beginners and music masters alike! BetterEars is available for iOS, Android and MacOS.
13 different exercises and editor for custom excercises
Better Ears has a built-in editor* for creating your own chords, scales and chord progressions. It also contains 13 different exercises from the different areas of music theory & ear training.
• Interval recognition
• Scale recognition
• Chord recognition
• Chord progressions
• Pitch recognition
• Melodic dictation
• Tempo recognition
• Key Signature recognition
• Single notes music reading
• Interval music reading
• Scale music reading
• Chord music reading
• Melody music reading

Extensive Statistics
For each exercise, Better Ears knows all your current statistics, including how often you answered each question correctly or incorrectly. This makes it easy to see which exercises are the most difficult for you. The statistics also allow you to track your progress. If you use the Better Ears sync mode, you can see the stats from all your devices at a glance.

Midi- and Microphone Support
Better Ears supports sound routing through an external MIDI device, so you can use your existing MIDI master keyboard or sound module. You can even control Better Ears with a connected keyboard.
The built-in microphone* pitch detection allows you to answer the questions with your voice or a real instrument (e.g. piano or guitar). Simply play the individual notes on your instrument or sing them when the microphone button lights red.

Practice with Keyboard & Fretboard
Better Ears comes with a virtual keyboard and a virtual guitar fretboard. You can play notes on both. Piano and guitar players will feel right at home. In Training Mode, all answers are displayed right on the Keyboard/Fretboard view. By the way: With "B-Flat" we also offer a simple app to practice reading music.

Choose your training sound
Choose your training sound from six different instruments. Better Ears comes with Acoustic Grand Piano, Bright Acoustic Piano, Electric Grand Piano, Drawbar Organ, Nylon Acoustic Guitar and Steel Acoustic Guitar.
On the Mac, more than 100 instruments are available with Apple's native DLS SoftSynth.
If your Mac, iPhone or Android device is connected to a MIDI device (such as a MIDI keyboard), you can also access all the instruments on your external device. This gives you a wide range of instruments to choose from.

Create your own custom levels
You can create an unlimited number of levels so you can train to your own specific needs. Go to "Ear Training Camp" to learn church modes, or focus on those two pesky intervals that keep bothering you.
To help you get started, Better Ears includes four presets, each with a different level of difficulty.
* only in macOS and iOS version